EAST MISSOULA — It's been a little over a week since Missoula County Commissioners denied a rezoning effort that that would bring another storage facility to East Missoula.
County Commissioner Dave Strohmaier said that the effort of the East Missoula community to gather and make their voice heard was an important piece to their decision.
"It's more often than not that we don’t hear from folks or if we do hear from folks it's them merely telling us what they don’t want rather than providing the vision of what they do want and East Missoula loud and clear told us both," county Commissioner Dave Strohmaier said.
One resident who opposed the re-zoning says she felt 'heard' and appreciated how the commissioners really listened to the community instead of feeling like they were being left out of the process.
"I do feel like we were heard at the meeting I think that the presence of all of those different citizens made a big difference and it was really awesome to see everyone get a chance to make their comments heard and that they allotted the time for each of the people who raised their hand during the meeting to give their piece was really awesome," East Missoula citizen Erika Hickey said.
One important piece of the next step is the implementation of the East Missoula Highway 200 corridor plan that will see lacking infrastructure developed in East Missoula.
"There is a corridor study along Highway 200 that is underway and its lining out opportunities to really enhance the transportation infrastructure that benefits a walkable community," Strohmaier added.
One big problem in East Missoula is its connection to the Interstate and the current configuration of both overpassed into the area.
Both Strohmaier and Hickey say both are dangerous for travelers and need to be changed.