MISSOULA — Today will be a calmer weather day with mild temperatures and partly cloudy skies.
Temperatures should reach to upper 60s widespread for western Montana.
A brief ridge of high pressure is responsible for the fair conditions today, but it will all change soon.
Incoming low pressure arrives tomorrow with a hefty cold front and plenty of moisture.
NW Montana will see rain begin tomorrow morning before the precipitation spreads across the western region.
An adjoining cold front will drop temperatures with the low pressure, bringing us back to 50s for both Wednesday and Thursday. In fact, it may be enough of a change to push snow levels down to select valleys on Thursday morning.
However, mountain passes are currently looking to be hit the hardest by this system - a Winter Storm Watch has already been issued for many ranges/passes below I-90 and towards Bozeman.
You just can't guarantee nice weather until Memorial Day in Montana!