Now the new school year is well underway we’ve teamed up with Republic Services each week to give Western Montana teachers a $250 grant.
Our first One Class at a Time grant winner is Frenchtown Middle School teacher Rae-Ann Beaulieu.
“I have everyone. I have the class clowns. I have the athletic kids. I have the music kids. They love to come and hang out in my room,” Beaulieu said.

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She teaches sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students about math and computer applications.
Beaulieu plans to use her grant to buy sensory tools including fidget spinners or Lite Brite stations that help students who learn differently.
“I have a soft spot for those students that I know that I have somehow impacted their life. I had a student last year e-mail me, and that particular student was having a rough day. And she knew that this was the class she could come to. She could be listened to. She could be heard, and it was non-judgmental. And she then, later on, sent me an email and said thank you, you are what made my day." - Rae-Ann Beaulieu