

Special Olympics sets high marks for Bitterroot Winter Games

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LOST TRAIL PASS- Organizers of last week’s Bitterroot Winter Special Olympics say this year’s games set new high marks for participation, by both athletes and volunteers.

Organizers say the two-day event at Lost Trail Powder Mountain was especially important this year because it served as a qualifying event for the national Special Olympics Winter Games because no state games are being held in Montana this year.

That, plus the longevity and success of the event, may have had something to do with the turnout.  The final numbers show 139 athletes from 16 different organizations took part this year, with two new teams traveling to Lost Trail from Charlo and Salmon, Idaho.

The numbers also show that more than 160 support staff came along with those teams, supported by dozens of volunteers, including Trapper Creek Job Corps and agencies like the Forest Service.

This was the 38th year for the Bitterroot games at Lost Trail.