For the first time ever, the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe as a federally-recognized tribe will officially be a part of the 2020 Census.
The Little Shell Chippewa Tribe has received federal recognition for the first time, so this census is crucial for the tribe. The more tribal members who fill out the form the more money they can receive to help the tribe.
Clarence Sivertsen, Little Shell 1st Vice Chairman, said, “We have 5,400 members that are enrolled at this point in time so basically we need those 5,400 hundred and anybody else that’s related to Little Shell to fill out the form.”
The simple nine-question Census will ask each household how many people live in their home, their genders, ages, and races. Census responses are confidential and protected by law.
American Indian respondents may write in their tribal affiliation, which will ensure each tribe in Montana is accurately allocated federal resources.When tribe members are filling out the forms Tribe Leaders say just check the box for one race instead of two or more.
Govornor Steve Bullock joined Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians leaders at their tribal headquarters in Great Falls to help prepare for the 2020 Census.
“Counting every person who lives in Montana is critical for our state for the next ten years,” Bullock said. “There’s even more on the line for the Little Shell Tribe who for the first time will have access to federal services that are allocated based on Census information.”
Each year, more than $675 billion in federal funding is allocated to tribal, state and local governments and organizations based on the Census. Montana receives more than $2 billion each year as a result of the Census for schools, highways, healthcare services, housing, services for seniors, job training and more.
Census information also shapes Montana’s local voting districts and the state is on the cusp of gaining a second seat in the U.S. Congress.
You can respond in one of three ways: online , by phone or by mail.
They are also looking for people for jobs and they told us rural areas are what they are in need of.
JANUARY 26: Historic celebration held for Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa