GREAT FALLS – U.S. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) met Tuesday with commanders of Malmstrom Air Force Base to talk about budget priorities.
Sen. Tester received an update on current and future projects that will be constructed on the base. He and the commanders talked about a new weapons storage area, a new shooting range, and multiple other projects.
Some projects could be in jeopardy after President Donald Trump made an emergency declaration last week. The declaration could take $3.6 billion from military construction funds.
“I think taking money from military construction is a bad mistake. We just plushed those budgets up last year for the first time in a long time because there is a lot of projects that need to be done. If they put the missile upgrades on hold, that would create another security problem I do not think we want to have,” Sen. Tester said.
Sen. Tester said he will take the needs of Malmstrom back to Washington.
-Margaret DeMarco reporting for MTN News