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FWP To host Libby public meeting to discuss chronic wasting disease

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White Tail Doe
All the states and provinces that border Montana, other than Idaho and British Columbia, have found CWD in their wild cervids. (photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

KALISPELL – State wildlife officials will be hosting a public meeting in Libby on Tuesday, June 11 to discuss Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks staff members will present information and answer questions about CWD and explain how the department is working with local agencies to respond to the recent discovery of CWD in a white-tailed deer inside the city limits.

The meeting will start at 6 p.m. inside the Ponderosa Room at the Libby City Hall on East Spruce St.

In accordance with FWP’s CWD response plan, an incident command team has been assembled to respond to the detection. The team is working closely with local officials, and FWP staff presented to the Libby City Council at the June 3 meeting in City Hall.

FWP advises that people in the Libby area who see a deer that appears to be sick should call (406) 291-6539 and leave a message with your name, number, the location of the animal and the time you saw it.

CWD is a progressive, always fatal disease affecting the nervous system of mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose, according to FWP.

There is no known transmission of CWD to humans or other animals, including pets or livestock.

CWD was found among wild deer in Montana in 2017.