MISSOULA — Weather conditions will remain active throughout the week, with intermittent rain and snow chances across the region.
Today will be a day where more activity is expected.
Chances for precipitation range widely, but are running between 40% to 70%. Grab an umbrella to be on the safe side today!
Temperatures have warmed a little since Monday morning. These lows have hovered around freezing this morning.
Eventually, daytime highs will warm up to 40s again for our Tuesday.
By Wednesday, partly sunny skies are expected as a brief ridge of high pressure will keep things dry.
The ridge will break down quickly on Thursday to allow more rain to fall in Western Montana.
Road impacts will be limited to the mountain passes during this period, but valley roads may be wet off and on.
A light breeze will also continue throughout the week as the weather patterns change and slight cold fronts come in.
Wind gusts are looking to average between 5 mph and 30 mph.