

Weather Forecast: Light precipitation and cloud cover for the weekend

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and last updated

MISSOULA - Light precipitation is possible over the weekend in western Montana, with the cloudy and foggy conditions sticking around as well.

The precipitation is up and down, depending on location and time. Some areas will see the rain/snow mix, while others will see just snow or rain.

For the most part, places south of I-90 will stick to the mixed precipitation and rain.

Temperatures will be warm enough in the Missoula and Bitterroot valleys that only rain will fall.

Areas north of I-90 have better chances for snow.

Along with the moisture, the low-lying cloud cover and fogginess are expected to impact visibility again.

Drivers should be aware of potential black ice conditions on roadways/sidewalks, with reduced visibility distance.

Next week's weather looks to follow the same pattern as this week, but temperatures will drop closer to freezing levels.