MISSOULA — We've made it to the middle of the week and to our last day of wet, cool, and breezy conditions.
Valley rain and mountain snow will impact almost everyone on the commute this morning.
Many mountain passes, including Lolo, Lost Trail, Homestake, Marias, and MacDonald, were forecasted last night to receive anywhere from 2-16". The passes hit the hardest by snow are the ones closer to the central part of the state.
Any travel in that direction this morning will be slushy, with limited visibility from gusty winds. At the valley level, local roads may see ponding from heavy rains, so be cautious of hydroplaning.
Winds will continue to run between 10 mph and 30 mph early today and eventually taper off as this system finally exits the region. Temperatures remain in the 50s today.
By tomorrow, we will see a huge switch back to warm, dry, and calm conditions. In fact, model projections show the chance for the 80s by Sunday (Mother's Day).
Looks like Mother Nature wants some good weather for the holiday, but be sure to hold tight to the umbrella today.