SULA — The Johnson Fire outside of Sula is holding at 4,325 acres with containment growing to 25% as of Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024.
The update states:
"The Johnson Fire is under a 100% confinement strategy. This strategy directs all the resources into securing structures, communities, and other values while leaving the fire to burn back into the wilderness."
The Ravalli County Sheriff's Office evacuation orders for residents on Little East Fork Road and the Frog Basin area remain in effect.
Residents are advised to download the Ravalli County Sheriff's App to receive updates on the evacuation status.
A public meeting to discuss the Johnson Fire will be held on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Billie Springer Memorial Community Center.

Fire managers report crews worked Wednesday to secure the edge of the fire that is near Little East Fork Road yesterday while burnouts were done in the Lick Creek area.
Air tankers and helicopters also dropped water to prevent significant fire runs and to strengthen fuel breaks in preparation for a firing operation on Thursday.
There are 229 people assigned to the Johnson Fire which was sparked by lightning on July 25.