MISSOULA — Recent cooler temperatures and rainfall have prompted officials to lower the fire danger on the Lolo National Forest to “high.”
A social media post notes the risk of fire remains high and that fires can easily start from accidental causes, especially in grassy areas.
Stage 2 Fire Restrictions are still in effect for the Lolo National Forest.
Visit https://www.mtfireinfo.org/ for more information on wildfires and fire danger in Montana.
The following acts are prohibited on private and county-managed lands under the Stage II Fire Restrictions:
- Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire
- Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material
- The use of fireworks
- Operating motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails
The following acts are prohibited from 1:00 pm to 1:00 am:
- Operating a chainsaw or other equipment powered by an internal combustion engine for felling, bucking, skidding, or firewood gathering
- Outdoor welding or operating acetylene or other type torch with open flame
- Using any explosive
- A one-hour patrol in the work area is required following the cessation of all activities as identified in #1 - #3 above
Wildfire Watch