NewsMissoula County


Rocky Mountain Gardens offers tours during Western Montana Fair

Tours of the soon to open Rocky Mountain Gardens are being offered during this year's Western Montana Fair
Rocky Mountain Gardens entrance, Missoula

MISSOULA — People heading to the Western Montana Fair may have noticed some of the new amenities at the fairgrounds, including Rocky Mountain Gardens.

The new edition to the fairgrounds features a variety of plants along with fruits and vegetables that can all be grown in Missoula.

Missoula County Department of Ecology Director Bryce Christiaens says this garden will be a tool for residents to learn how to plant in their own yards.

“People understand the connection of agriculture that historically is tied to fairs, the Missoula fair in particular with 4H and the livestock exhibits, and the rabbit, barn, and the chicken barn, and where people can experience that side of agriculture,” Christiaens said.

“This space will really add to that focus on the veggie production the fruit production any type of gardening that you want to do and exhibit this will kind of grow that into this fairgrounds experience year after year," Christiaens continued.

Tours of Rocky Mountain Gardens are being offered at 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the Western Montana Fair. A grand opening event will be held on Saturday, September 14.

The Western Montana Fair runs through Sunday, August 11 at the Missoula County Fairgrounds. More information about the fair can be found at